Cataracts affect millions of Americans. If you’re at risk of developing this eye condition or have been diagnosed with cataracts, Natalia Tilki, DO, and the team at Emerald Eye Center Inc. in Encino, California, can help. They offer the latest in cataract treatments, including cataract surgery, to help you see more clearly again. Call the office or request an appointment online today.
Request an AppointmentThe lens of your eye sits behind your iris and pupil. It helps you focus light on the retina so you can see images. If you experience clouding of the lens, you have a cataract.
Cataracts most often form in older adults and affect one or both eyes. They aren’t contagious, so they can’t be spread from one eye to the other.
What are the symptoms of cataracts?
When cataracts first start to form, you may not notice changes in your vision. They start as just small spots of cloudiness.
With time, however, cataracts increase in size and start to make your vision duller and blurrier. Cataracts can also tint your vision by causing the lens to turn a brownish color.
Other vision changes that suggest cataracts include:
- Glare from lights
- A halo around lights
- Double vision
- Faded colors
- Poor night vision
Frequent changes in your corrective lens prescriptions may be a sign that you’re developing cataracts.
Will I need cataract surgery?
If the vision changes associated with cataracts become significant and affect your work and daily life, you may need surgery. The surgery involves placing an intraocular lens (IOL) inside your eye. This lens replaces your damaged lens and restores clear vision.
The surgery isn’t painful and is done in a quick, 15-minute outpatient procedure. You’re usually awake for the surgery but have an anesthetic administered to your eyes to numb the nerves that cause sensation.
What types of lenses are available during cataract surgery?
Dr. Tilki and the team at Emerald Eye Center Inc. offer premium lenses for you to choose from.
Monofocal lenses
These lenses are also called standard lenses. With these, you’ll still need corrective eyewear following surgery.
Accommodating lenses
These lenses help correct presbyopia, which are the vision changes caused by aging. This includes difficulty reading small print.
Multifocal lenses
These are another option to correct vision problems associated with aging. Multifocal lenses are an upgrade from traditional monofocal lenses.
Emerald Eye Center Inc. also offers IOL upgrades. If you’ve had a past surgery with monofocal IOL lenses, you can opt to enhance your vision with accommodating or multifocal lenses.
To learn more about your options for cataract surgery, call Emerald Eye Center Inc. or request an appointment online today.